Nucleic Acid Purification Kits
It is used to obtain genomic or non-genomic DNA or RNA using certain chemicals from human, animal, plant and microorganisms. The system is based on the disintegration of the cells, the unraveling of the DNA RNA and the attachment of this DNA RNA to the sephadex columns.
DNA isolation kits are standardized packages that enable us to isolate genomic and non-genomic DNA. While DNA isolation kits shorten the experimental stages, they enable us to perform DNA isolation more effectively. The kit we produce consists of platforms that allow DNA to bind (column). DNA isolation kit based on spin column method provides both time advantage and clarity in results.
While DNA and RNA, which are used in routine tests and in many different fields (disease determinations, laboratory applications, researches, genetic tests, genetic disease determinations, etc.) are routinely extracted in the laboratory, it is aimed to minimize the loss of time and changes in the results.
It is necessary to carefully process the DNA molecules to be isolated in large pieces. Different methods are required when isolating large DNA fragments, since large fragments tend to break and be damaged, rather than smaller fragments.