The HibriGen Generic RNA Isolation Kit allows for total RNA isolation using a simple method, using a wide variety of samples (tissue, surface-bound or suspended cells, whole blood) and amount. Samples are digested and homogenized in the presence of guanidium isothiocyanate (a chaotropic salt that protects RNA from endogenous RNases). After homogenization ethanol is added to the sample. Samples are then transferred to filtered tubes to which RNA can be attached. Impurities are effectively removed by washing. Pure RNA is then collected with DEPC-treated water and is ready for use for different applications.
High quality; RNA yield in the range of 1-8 µg for all sample types Easy to use; Fast purification with filter system, easy tissue shredding without requiring mechanical shredding
High purity; Suitable for applications such as Real-Time PCR, Northern blotting, cDNA Library Apps Real-time PCR (RT-PCR)
• Northern Blot
• Nuclease protection experiments RNA amplification for microarray analysis
• Preparing cDNA library