TBE (Tris-Borat-EDTA) is suitable for use in molecular biology at a concentration of 10X. The liquid form in 10X concentration can be diluted with distilled water or deionized water, making it easy to prepare 1X working solution. pH (at 1X concentration) is in the range of 8.0-8.2 at 25°C. It does not contain protease, DNase and RNase. TBE buffer is generally used in all DNA electrophoresis (for acrylamide and agarose gel) applications including sequencing. TBE buffers are often used to ensure that fragments lower than 1500 bp are seen at better resolution. Thanks to its high buffering capacity and low conductivity compared to TAE, TBE buffer is more suitable for electrophoresis application at high voltages (> 150V).
Practical; Easy to use by diluting with distilled or ionized water High purity; Protease, DNase and RNase free, suitable for use in molecular biology
High discrimination power; Suitable for working at high voltages, ideal for observing small fragments on the gel with higher resolution