The HibriGen Gel Extraction Kit has been specifically designed to purify DNA fragments from 50 bp to 40 kb of standard or low-melted agarose gel prepared with Tris Borate (TBE) or Tris Acetate (TAE). This system, which operates depending on the membrane, provides DNA recovery up to 40μg in as little as 25 minutes (depending on the use of the protocol and the number of samples). DNA purified; It can be used in automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, cloning, labeling, enzyme cutting or in vitro transcription / translation applications.
Fast; Fast procedure completed in 25 minutes
High efficiency; Up to 85% recovery in DNA fragments from 50 bp-40kb
High purity; OD260 / 280 = 1.7-1.9. Ready to use for later applications such as purified DNA, PCR and restriction cutting
• Restriction cutting
• DNA sequencing
• In vitro transcription